Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Cure Your Acne Permanently

You have probably been bombarded by so much conflicting advice about how to treat your acne that it is utterly confusing. I don't intend to contribute to that. In this article I will introduce you to a tried and tested approach to treating your acne that will cure your acne and give you lasting clear skin. I will also explain why drugs and other topical treatments are not a cure for your acne and how you can eradicate your acne for good without having to resort to pills and potions.
What really causes acne 
Let us begin with what acne is or is not and why you have it in the first place and others don't. The answer to these questions will point us to the solution. The first thing to understand is that acne is not a skin disease but the symptom of a disorder that manifests as acne on your skin. It is a message from your body to you that something is wrong internally, in a state of imbalance that needs to be restored to its natural equilibrium. It is your body's way to communicate a distortion of balance.
 The only difference between you and people without acne is a genetically predisposed sensitivity of your oil glands to hormonal imbalance. Hormones control the amount of oil your oil glands in the skin produce. An overproduction of oil together with blood waste products secreted through your skin leads to the formation of acne. In one sense this is a blessing in disguise because without this sensitivity your body could not communicate that something is out of balance and you would never know that there is an internal  problem that needs addressing. And addressing it you should because ignoring it will make it much worse in the long run.
Having established that acne is not an external problem, it follows that in order to cure your acne you have to tackle it from the inside and eliminate the underlying causes. This is where most acne sufferers go wrong. They either use conventional acne medication or topical treatments or try a combination of one or more of these approaches that just tinker with the externally visible symptoms of acne. 
Why drugs and topical treatments cannot cure your acne
With the frustration and embarrassment that come with suffering from acne it can be very tempting to go to a dermatologist and get prescription drugs for treating your acne and there are several available. 
You can take antibiotics. They mainly work by fighting acne bacteria and decreasing inflammation. However this is a very partial and destructive solution and it only works short term and may even make your acne much worse as you may have discovered already. Why? Antibiotics kill the acne bacteria which play just a small part of the acne formation process. By killing the acne bacteria, you are not stopping the external acne formation process. First of all, acne bacteria do not cause acne. We all have them on  our skin and it is only when blood toxins secreted through your skin and an overproduction of oil through your glands come together that they find the right environment to multiply excessively and produce the acne symptoms you are all too familiar with like swelling, inflammation and pus. 
From this it becomes immediately clear why drugs cannot cure acne, only temporarily alleviate its symptoms. You cannot cure acne by killing the acne bacteria on your skin. They will continue to multiply in large numbers as long as you don't neutralise the conditions that make them do so. In other words, an effective acne treatment needs to address the causes of hormonal imbalance and formation of blood toxins, not tinker with the symptoms by trying to suppress them. Antibiotics destroy all  the bacteria in your system including probiotics that have many essential qualities needed for clear skin. One of them is the ability to protect your digestive tract from parasites and fungus that constantly stress and damage your liver, one of the most important organs responsible for maintaining healthy acne free skin.
Then there are acne steroids. Steroids are designed to reduce the inflammation caused by acne. In the process they place significant stress on your liver and may severely damage your internal system. In severe cases of acne you can also get Accutane, a very strong drug which is infamous for its serious side effects ranging from severe stomach pain and diarrhoea to depression, hair loss and blindness.
Creams, cleansers and other products that are applied on the skin such as gels, liquids, lotions and powders are also not cure for your acne because they, like drugs, are designed to tackle the symptoms of acne, not the real cause. There are spot treatment acne products, oil-control moisturizers, facial cleansers, astringents, lotions for removing infections, oil-removing masks and toners. All of these can be effective for symptom control if chosen and applied correctly. Be aware though that lotions, creams, and ointments  contain steroids which can cause liver disorders and weaken your immune system. Their use also often results in increased body resistance to the treatment and they can cause various side effects to pregnant women and girls under 12. 
The most commonly used topical treatments include benzoyl peroxide which has the ability to reduce acne symptoms by killing the acne bacteria and helping to unblock the pores. Retinoids clear black and whiteheads. Cleansing, exfoliating and killing acne bacteria is not an effective treatment for acne though.
As you can see every acne treatment that is sold today either addresses only the symptoms of acne or tackles one but not all acne contributing factors and that is why no conventional acne treatment will ever cure your acne permanently. Acne drugs and other topical treatments are not the solution to acne. In fact, acne drugs and antibiotics can make your acne worse.
Mary Ridge


  • D. Addiction says:
    August 6, 2010 at 9:50 AM

    Fine blog concerns about the curing of acne permanently and this will helps u to clean your skin.

  • Dr Syed Kashif Shahid says:
    August 9, 2010 at 10:04 AM


    for sharing your valuable comments.



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