Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Truth Behind Laser Hair Removal

Removal of unwanted hair is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in recent years for women as well as for an increasing number of men. While most of us have a reasonable amount of body hair growth, there are few cases such as pregnancy, menopause and hormonal imbalance when many women face the problem of excessive hair growth. Today there is an eternal quest amongst young women to have smooth arms and legs always and they are looking for ways to reduce the hassle of hair removal on a regular basis. Thus more and more women are opting for high-tech procedures like intense pulsed light and laser hair removal solutions, that offer more permanent and longer lasting results as compared to traditional methods like waxing, depilation, epilation and shaving.
Using Light to Remove Hair:
Laser hair removal systems gently remove unwanted hair. While dermatologic surgeons continue to research the exact science of laser hair removal, it appears that the light energy causes thermal injury to the hair follicle. This occurs because the laser is converted into heat as it passes through the skin and is absorbed in the target pigment melanin found in the hair follicle. When the temperature reaches a high enough level in a hair follicle during its active phase, the targeted hair structures are disabled, thus inhibiting hair re-growth. In clinical trials to date using a number of different lasers and intense pulsed light hair removal systems, some test sites remained hair-free for up to 2 years.
Benefits of Laser Treatment:
Laser hair removal is a non-invasive method of photoepilation, which does not require needles or messy chemical creams. Since thousands of hairs can be zapped in a single treatment session, large areas like the back, shoulders, arms and legs can be effectively and efficiently treated. Says Dr Mukta Sachdev, a Bangalore-based dermatologist, "Today it is a popular method of banishing body hair especially from areas like upper lip, bikini line and face. While it may leave the skin a bit sensitive, but for women with heavy facial hair, laser hair removal treatment offers a long term and painless relief. Also there is no embarrassment of stubble and ingrown hair which traditional hair removal methods cause."
Going for Laser:
While laser hair removal is an excellent treatment option, research efforts continue to enhance the procedure. Although permanent hair removal is the goal of therapy, some women do experience hair regrowth that is usually finer and lighter in color. In addition, long-lasting laser hair removal typically requires multiple treatments, which can make it a more costly hair removal alternative. "There is a possibility of side effects like damage to the surrounding healthy tissue in the form of scars, burns, redness and swelling. But this is a rare case. Women with darker skin tone also need to be careful when going for this treatment. They must consult an expert in the field before opting for this. But overall laser hair removal offers an excellent option to women who have heavy body hair growth," concludes Dr Sachdev.
Sita Gita


  • Anonymous says:
    April 28, 2011 at 8:14 PM

    Great post!

  • Dr Syed Kashif Shahid says:
    May 14, 2011 at 12:18 PM

    Thanks for the appreciation.

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